Quoll Project

Raising public awareness
about the endangered status of quolls.


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Protecting Spotted-tailed Quolls on the Atherton Tablelands

The project was funded by the Threatened Species Network and World Wildife Fund Australia, with in-kind support from the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service.

The main aim of this project was to raise public awareness about the endangered status of quolls. A special focus concerned the role that landowners can play in their conservation. This was done by production of two publications.

The TKMG obtained funding to provide wire netting to give away to some land-owners to upgrade their existing chook pens to quoll proof.

The group also conducted a baseline survey for Spotted-tailed Quolls using hair tubes set out in rainforest around the eastern and southern edge of the Atherton Tablelands.

Members of the public participated in this activity -

Quoll Monitoring Summary

The group also obtained money to employ a consultant to undertake trials of quoll feeding rates and ability to excavate buried meat baits. The aim of this sub-project was to investigate the potential for Spotted-tailed Quolls to be poisoned by meat baits laid for wild dogs. We did these trials using non-poisoned meats only.